The Healing Jewel

Hands-on Healing offered by Christopher Jewell

My Specialization

CranioSacral Biodynamics

Whole-body, light-touch energy healing that supports the body’s Inherent Healing Process to organically restore optimal function – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

Find your balance, energy & happiness the holistic way.

About Me

My passion is assisting those living with physical, psychological, or spiritual discomfort to transform their lives.

I assist you to release past traumas and shocks from your organism so you are not ruled by habitual patterns and dysfunction.

This will enable you to live the brilliance that you are!

My ideal clients desire to:

  • Be more present in their life
  • Be more grounded
  • Be more embodied
  • Be more attuned (physically, mentally, emotionally) 

Some may describe my work as healing on a very deep level, which goes to the core of who you are.

My Approach


Creating a safe environment


Attuning to your entire being


Holding space for your process to unfold


Maintaining empathic understanding

ALL genders welcome

LGBTQIA+ affirming

For Your Health

You have an amazing and intelligent Life Force that began the moment you were conceived

Your Life Force has guided the development of your physical body. And it continues to coordinate and regulate all the physiological processes today. In biology this is called homeostasis.

Your body is self-regulating and self-healing. Sometimes things get off balance – perhaps due to the environment, infections, stress, et al.

This can create holding patterns of inefficiency (also known as, compensations or dysfunction).

My focus is assiting your return to wholeness by witnessing the Inherent Healing Process that knows exactly what to do and how to do it.

Let me help you reconnect to the Intelligent & Powerful  Life Force inside of you.

How It Works


Regulation of the Central Nervous System

Settling into your body, mind, and spirit so you are in healing mode.


Communication with your Life Force

Being present to "what is" by listening to and following your Inner Wisdom.


Internal Reorganization

Allowing the body's self-healing mechanisms to bring out the best response.



Assimilating the work into all aspects of your life.

"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease."

– Hippocrates

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique."

– Martha Graham, modern dancer and choreographer

"As I actualize, I uncover."

– Martin Buber, philosopher & author of I and Thou

“Energy is the real substance behind the appearance of matter and forms."

– Randolph Stone, DO, founder of Polarity Therapy

My Practice

I'm not currently accepting new clients. 

Please use thye CONTACT page to leave me a message.



© 2023, The Healing Jewel, LLC.